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8 Tips To Organize Your Home

8 Tips To Organize Your Home

Warmer weather has finally arrived, and the time for spring cleaning is here! If you are planning on decluttering and organizing spaces in your home, it could be challenging to know where to start. The process of organizing can seem overwhelming, which is why we created this article to help give you a structured guide of tips and tricks to organize your home with ease. 

Create a Goal and a Plan

First and foremost, you will want to create an end goal for your home. Decide on what spaces you want to tackle and what time of the day is best for you to spend organizing. Next, create a structured plan and how you will execute your organization strategy. If you are working with a partner or family members to organize your space, creating a chore list or shared calendar can help to keep you on track. 

Take it Room by Room

It can be overwhelming to try and tackle a large space in a short period of time when it comes to organizing. We recommend taking it room by room and having a scheduled day for the organization for each space in your home. For example, Monday might be kitchen cabinet day, while Tuesday is dedicated to your master bathroom. 

Invest in Storage Organization

Storage organization may seem gimmicky, but it really does work! We recommend investing in storage organization tools to help get you excited about the cleaning process and save you from having to embark on this endeavor time and time again. Investing in items such as closet organizers, drawer separators, and more can help make sure that your efforts are long-lasting. 

Create Healthy Daily Habits 

You don't want to spend a bunch of time organizing your home just for it to go back to its original state a few weeks later. We recommend creating daily healthy habits that can help maintain the upkeep and organization of your home. For example, allow yourself to draft up household expectations that should be done on a daily basis. This can include always putting dishes in the dishwasher, OR folding laundry immediately after it comes out of the dryer. 

Purge on a Regular Basis

Organizing can only take you so far if you have a surplus of items in your home. Be sure to purge items on a regular basis to make sure that you are creating space for new things and not over-cutting your home. 

Use a Label Maker

Using a label maker is another great technique that can help you stay organized, especially if you live amongst other people. Label makers are a great tool that can help communicate where everything should go in your home, to avoid messes. 

Embrace Charity 

Getting involved in different charitable organizations around your community is another great way to encourage yourself to declutter your space and organize your home. There are so many individuals and families out there in need, and your unwanted belongings can make a big difference in their lives! 

Celebrate Your Progress

Last but not least, be sure to celebrate your progress. Letting go and organizing belongings can be an emotional process, especially if you are trying to downsize or declutter your space. The best it can be.

We hope this article helped give you new ideas to declutter your space and keep your home organized. For more tips on all things real estate, be sure to connect with our professionals at VSells&Associates.

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